Assembly for Grades 9 and 10 in the Theater.
SWC Activities for Grades 11 and 12 in different locations.
from Finalsite Academy News
Assembly for Grades 9 and 10 in the Theater.
SWC Activities for Grades 11 and 12 in different locations.
There is no MS STUCO meeting today as Mr Fidler will be on a field trip with 8-1. The meeting will be held on Thursday.
Neo Native 3 and FA Neo Native 4 students, don't forget we have the field trip today.
If you are with Ms Shan (Shan laoshi), meet in her classroom first. If you are with Mr Jiang (Jiang laoshi), meet at the main entrance.
We will set off right after morning mentoring!
As mentioned last week, all of the 8-1 class will be away from school today on a field trip. Classes 8-2 and 8-3 will be away tomorrow and 8-4 and 8-5 will be away on Thursday
We will meet at lunch in the FA space to practice for the upcoming school competition. Will you make the team to travel to Hong Kong in February?!
Will you be invited to join the Advanced Mathletes ASA?
As you may be aware, ISB works with outside agencies to obtain Accreditation. Basically, these agencies have created indicators which exemplify school quality and they judge schools against these indicators. If they judge you to be proficient, you then obtain Accreditation, which helps families to know that they are enrolling in a wonderful school when they choose to attend ISB. If you want to know more about this process, you can read about it on Dragons Gate (
As part of this process, we will have a team of 16 people visit ISB from November 4th - 11th to renew our school's accreditation. These visitors will be reading the reports that have been created by our school committees and conducting interviews with various community members. You may also see these visitors in your classrooms throughout the week at various times. Please feel free to say hello throughout the week, and help to make our visiting team feel welcome while they are on campus.
The Visiting Team will have their office space in rooms 1226, 1227 and 1228 in the MS/HS Library while they are on campus. Please note that these rooms will not be available for student use from Thursday, November 3rd to Friday, November 11th.
Thank you very much for your support of the Accreditation Process at ISB!
Saturday, November 5th
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Come and support a good cause. See the ISB Calendar for more information.
Create a video that helps us empathize with a person or a group in our community
Identify a unique perspective
Make a 60-90 second video highlighting someone’s involvement in our community
Must get permission
1.Original View – opens our eyes
2.Compelling – tells a story
Submissions to by November 7 via email
Best 3-5 videos will be shown November 8th
Bring your lunch on Tuesday and join us in the FA for another prep session for the School Competition!
Please refer to the attached poster and pre-order form. Place your orders soon and help support this worthy cause.
Please contact Mr. López in 3406 for questions.
Click here to see the pre-sale form
This Wednesday at 2:30, the grade 11 students have Math HL or SEHS HL and grade 12 students have Math HL.
Good Morning Middle School!
Futures Public Radio is a new student initiative in Futures Academy. We are a group that is going to be posting podcasts, audio interviews, videos, short documentaries, culture, reviews, poetry, sports highlights, dance and theatre reviews, etc. on our website. We are still in the stage of setting up our site but first we need your help to create some new pieces to put on our site .
Have you heard of Bryn Barnard, our visiting author? Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a professional published author? Have you ever wondered what it really takes to to write an acclaimed novel? WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS to ask by Barnard himself in our interview.
From Mon- Fri we have a 'questions box' set up in the MS/HS cafeteria and we invite you to add your questions and your name into the box so that we may hopefully ask your questions in our interview.
Please drop a question and your name in our "Questions for Bryn Barnard" box and support FPR in involving our ISB community's questions in our first interview series.
Have a great day!
In recent days, and especially yesterday, we’ve encountered significant delays at the Exhibition Centre due to weather and an ongoing security exhibition which finishes today. For the majority of buses this is not a concern, but for buses that travel through East Shunyi and Sunhe areas please note that there is the potential for delay this afternoon and evening.
We’ll attempt to redirect as many buses as we can away from this area, and also inform parents by telephone or SMS of any bus that is delayed by more than 30 minutes.
Kind regards
The Bus Office
On October 16th, five members of the ISB Kungfu team, on behalf of Xie’s Martial Arts (XMA) traveled to Shaolin Temple and Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, to compete in the 11th China Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival. Collectively, we brought back 1 gold medal (Amanda Shu; Shaolin fist), 6 silver medals and 4 bronze medals.
The participants were as follows:
Before the tournament, we spent October Break training at Beijing Shaolin Wushu School, the biggest Wushu school in Beijing, where scenes of Karate Kid II were filmed. The link below is a short video documenting our adventures:
Join us in the HS cafeteria from 11:50 – 12:50pm where stylists from West Salon will be here to give FREE SHAVES to kick-off Men’s Health Awareness Month. Calling all teachers and HS boys to get rid of that fall face scruff and start your moustache fresh. Can’t grow a mo? Don’t fear! They can also provide custom head shaving! Get involved!
11:50 – 12:50pm, Nov 1, HS Cafeteria.
The following students should see Mr Fidler in the MS Cafeteria at Lunchtime today, to check the sizes for their STUCO hoodie
Jovan Steyn, Edgar Lee, Nathan Chan, Olivia Xiao, Annie Young, Maxine Lim, Rebekah Black, Minwook Lee. If any STUCO reps would like to check their size again, drop by.
“Christmas Apples” to Support the Children of Madaifu
November 1 - 15 (Apples ready for pick-up early December)
1 Apple RMB 6 or 10KG for RMB 300
Click here for pre-order form
Content originally published and Shared from
With the Holiday season just around the corner, it can be difficult to stay fit for the holidays when you want to bake with the grand kids or attend your friend’s annual Friends giving dinner.
The good news is that media’s claim that people tend to gain 5 pounds around the holidays isn’t true. The average weight gain is actually 1 pound, according to the US National Library of Medicine.
Your Health Mate family understands the importance of enjoying the holidays and maintaining a healthy mind and body. Whether it’s 1 pound or 5, we know the importance of maintaining your health and fitness routine, all year round.
If you find yourself indoors to keep out the cold or you can’t bring yourself to drive to the gym, there are still ways you can keep moving! YouTube offers numerous fitness videos for free, such as Yoga With Adrienne. There are even apps that give you structured workouts like Nike Training Club and you can track your performance on the go or in the comfort of your own home.
You’ll hear it over and over but hydration is essential to optimum health. According to the Institute of Medicine, about 75% of the American population suffer from chronic dehydration. So remember to get your daily dose of water and stay rejuvenated!
Sign up for a fun holiday activity like the local turkey trot to stay motivated throughout the holiday season. Invite some family along and inspire each other on your wellness journeys!
Have a long list of shopping or errands to get through this season? Go to your local outlet or shopping mall and slip on your comfy workout shoes. There’s nothing better than keeping your body fit and finishing your to do list at the same time.
Paired with a healthy diet and exercise routine, infrared heat will increase detoxification and burn anywhere from 400-600 calories in just one 30 minute session. With a warm and relaxing infrared sauna session, you’ll gain a positive mood and help burn some extra weight lingering from holiday treats. View our infrared heat saunas to see which Sauna is meant for you!
We hope these natural tips will guide you on your health and fitness journey this holiday season and savor the special moments (and treats) that the holidays have to offer.
Here at Perfectbath we aspire to come along side you and help you reach your fitness and wellness goals with rejuvenating infrared sauna heat therapy.
Contributed by: Aaron Gruenke foremost sauna expert and author.
The post 5 tips to stay fit for the holidays appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
Simply solo string concert 21st November online sign up is started. If you are currently participating school string orchestras enrichments and is interested to play a solo performance, please check the information and collect information required for online sign up before scanning the QR code to do online registration. There is a limit number and the deadline of doing register is Tuesday 15th Nov.
During Lunch today, please see Dominik or Mr Fidler in the cafeteria to check on your hoodie size.
A picture window is a type of window with a single pane of glass which usually does not open. It doesn’t provide ventilation, but it is designed to provide a great outdoor view in the living room where it’s commonly placed. Know how to decorate this type of window by checking out the tips below!
Image Source: Flickr
Because they were built into post-war homes, which were predominantly modern in style, blinds suit them particularly well. Depending on the width of the window and the look you want, you might want to use one large blind or multiple blinds side by side.
Cellular and Venetian blinds are typically easier to fit on these large windows than softer blinds like Roman shades. You can find blinds for them by searching for “large window blinds” in addition to “picture window blinds.” Source: DIYNetwork
To allow light in and still be able to showcase a great view, try a valance. When you measure for the height it will be, add more inches if you can to mount it closer to the ceiling so the windows look taller. Valances should cover any blinds or shades you may want to add underneath. You do not need to spend a lot on the blind or shade underneath your valance, because it won’t show when not in use. Source: Houzz
Framing Architecture
The physical structure of the window may also affect the window coverings you have room to mount. For example, a roller shade requires at least two inches of frame clearance for an inside-mounted system. Low-profile shades, such as pleated or honeycomb may need as little as one inch of clearance for mounting. Window-opening devices, such as handles and cranks, can also affect your available shade choices. If your picture window is a single pane of glass and is over eight feet wide, it may require a custom-made shade, further limiting your choices either through design or budget constraints. Custom-made fabric window shades, such as Roman shades, can be made for oversized windows. Source: SFGate
To learn about more window treatment ideas for your picture window, feel free to contact us!
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Picture Window Decorating Tips appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
Temple of Earth
Friday, November 4th
Please RSVP: (Name & contact #)
Depart from ISB West Entrance: 8:30am
Return to ISB West Entrance: 3:30pm
PTA Sponsors: Bus Transport & Park Entrance Fee
Self: Lunch, snacks, comfy & warm gear
Content originally published and Shared from
A whirlpool bathtub is a great addition to your home. It provides numerous benefits and it can be something to look forward to at the end of a long, tiring day. To maximize the experience, keep your tub at its best by following these useful cleaning tips:
Planning on getting a new whirlpool tub? It would be our pleasure to assist you with finding the perfect one for your home. Contact us!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post How to Keep Your Whirlpool Tub Clean appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
Interested in fashion? Looking to sharpen your fashion drawing skills? If so, a representative from SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) will be on campus on Thursday, Nov. 3 in room 3106 during lunch hour to give a workshop on fashion illustration. Grade 9-12 students are welcome. Experience not required.
If you'd like to attend, please sign up here. It is important that you sign up so we have enough materials for everyone.
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
If you’re suffering from fine wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, age spots, or acne scars, there is a great solution to your problem which doesn’t even take a lot of your time. Here are 3 reasons why you need to try microdermabrasion: Quick Convenience is one of the significant microdermabrasion benefits that make this procedure so […]
The post 3 Benefits of Microdermabrasion appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Hello Middle School!
So Brick Week wrapped up with a drawing last week and Ms. Cox ended up winning the Grand Prize, the Hover Board!
However, she graciously decided to throw her prize back into the drawing and since the MS’s generosity surpassed previous year’s donation levels, we in the Habitat group decided to toss in a few extra prizes to say thank you to all of you who contributed to our fundraiser!
On Monday, we held an extra drawing after school during our HFH meeting and we have 19 extra winners!
If you see your name below, please come by Ms. Patty’s room 3405 for your surprise!
Once Upon a Hutong Cast meeting on Wednesday Lunch time at 11:00-11:20 AM at Black Box. Quick meeting. Please be on time.
Join Terry Townshend, the Beijing Birder for a discussion on how data and research is helping scientists understand the currently unknown migration route of the Beijing Cuckoos, as well as their habitat requirements and the threats they face as a species. Terry will discuss not only the tracking technology that they use to follow Flappy McFlapperson and his friends as they journey across China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal and India, but also how that data is used to understand this mysterious bird.
Open to all Middle School students.
Snacks and light refreshments will be provided.
Students who attend the cafe will receive a late pass for their Period 2 classes.
For those who have placed a photo order, please come to the HS office to collect your photos from 8:00am-4:30pm.
Content originally published and Shared from
The basement is often the largest but most underused space in the home. Piling it up with storage boxes and old electronics means missing out on a great opportunity to expand your home’s living space. Basement remodeling will not only add more space to your home, it could also boost your selling price.
The basement comes with the advantage of being a large, unobstructed space. This allows you to put it to many uses. You can create a single room or split it up into two or more rooms. Instead of letting it stay dark, musty and unused, consider undertaking a basement remodeling.
When you think about basement remodeling, the first question on your mind is probably what you will turn it into. There is no shortage of ideas. Some homeowners opt to create an extra bedroom or two while others go as far as creating a personal museum down there. This is obviously a big decision and you need to go slow on it. The most important thing is to consider what your greatest need is. If you have a shortage of bedrooms, turn the basement into an extra bedroom. If you work at home and need a home office away from the noisy little ones, a home office it is. If the kids’ toys are cluttering up the living room and causing endless injuries, consider creating a playroom for them.
If there is no pressing need, then you can add a room for entertainment purposes. Some good ideas include a home cinema, a game room, a bar, a kitchenette or even an extra family room or deluxe bathroom for your home spa. If you love photography, you could turn it into your own personal gallery. If you have a priceless collection of sports memorabilia, consider creating a mini museum to enjoy with friends.
You can even create more than one room. Use a creative divider, such as a sliding barn door, to separate the two rooms. You could turn it into two bedrooms, a game room and bar, a kid’s play area and adult game room and so on. Discuss with your contractor what each idea involves. Consider the complexity and cost of each and choose the one you are most comfortable with.
Before going ahead with your project, check what the local code says on basement safety especially if you plan to turn it into a living space such as a bedroom. A basement fire is a major hazard and could cause major damage to your home and even worse, injuries or death. Talk with your contractor about installing basic safety measures such as an egress window, smoke detectors and fire sprinklers. Additionally, check that the basement has been well protected against moisture entry and damage.
To help you get started on basement remodeling, we have put together an in depth article: 8 Awesome Basement Remodeling Ideas, which includes a beverage center, a wine cellar and a private gym.
Contributed by: experts in bathroom design and quality fixtures.
The post Amazing Basement Remodeling Ideas appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
Content originally published and Shared from
The basement is often the largest but most underused space in the home. Piling it up with storage boxes and old electronics means missing out on a great opportunity to expand your home’s living space. Basement remodeling will not only add more space to your home, it could also boost your selling price.
The basement comes with the advantage of being a large, unobstructed space. This allows you to put it to many uses. You can create a single room or split it up into two or more rooms. Instead of letting it stay dark, musty and unused, consider undertaking a basement remodeling.
When you think about basement remodeling, the first question on your mind is probably what you will turn it into. There is no shortage of ideas. Some homeowners opt to create an extra bedroom or two while others go as far as creating a personal museum down there. This is obviously a big decision and you need to go slow on it. The most important thing is to consider what your greatest need is. If you have a shortage of bedrooms, turn the basement into an extra bedroom. If you work at home and need a home office away from the noisy little ones, a home office it is. If the kids’ toys are cluttering up the living room and causing endless injuries, consider creating a playroom for them.
If there is no pressing need, then you can add a room for entertainment purposes. Some good ideas include a home cinema, a game room, a bar, a kitchenette or even an extra family room or deluxe bathroom for your home spa. If you love photography, you could turn it into your own personal gallery. If you have a priceless collection of sports memorabilia, consider creating a mini museum to enjoy with friends.
You can even create more than one room. Use a creative divider, such as a sliding barn door, to separate the two rooms. You could turn it into two bedrooms, a game room and bar, a kid’s play area and adult game room and so on. Discuss with your contractor what each idea involves. Consider the complexity and cost of each and choose the one you are most comfortable with.
Before going ahead with your project, check what the local code says on basement safety especially if you plan to turn it into a living space such as a bedroom. A basement fire is a major hazard and could cause major damage to your home and even worse, injuries or death. Talk with your contractor about installing basic safety measures such as an egress window, smoke detectors and fire sprinklers. Additionally, check that the basement has been well protected against moisture entry and damage.
To help you get started on basement remodeling, we have put together an in depth article: 8 Awesome Basement Remodeling Ideas, which includes a beverage center, a wine cellar and a private gym.
Contributed by: experts in bathroom design and quality fixtures.
The post Amazing Basement Remodeling Ideas appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
MS volleyball players, the season is almost here, please be ready with your PE gear on Tuesday November 1st for the first meeting of the year in Gym 2 followed by practice.
Please if you have any questions, come see Mr. Cuthbert in the Activities office
There is an MS STUCO meeting today in Room 3302. Bring your Lunch and the meeting starts at 12:40pm
Bring your lunch and come to the FA at lunch for the next prep lesson for the schoool competition!
One for the Grade 8 teacher calendar. Next week the five Grade 8 Humanities classes will be going a field trip to explore the Boxer Rebellion in Beijing. They will be away all day. The arrangements are as follows:
Tuesday 1st November
8-1 will be away
Wednesday 2nd November
8-2 and 8-3 will be away
Thursday 3rd November
8-4 and 8-5 will be away
Apologies for any convenience
Grade 8 Humanities Team
A reminder for all the upperclassmen. The Student Wellness Council is holding upperclassmen flex time activities on November 1st (Tuesday). Normally you would go to mentoring but for this flex time you will participating in a fun but healthy activity of your choice. Take note that these activities are MANDATORY and that attendance will be taken.
You should have already signed up but I am guessing some of you haven't so PLEASE sign up ASAP or you will be put in an activity by us. Sign up for your top 2 choices on this link:
This Wednesday at 2:30, the grade 11 students have Chemistry and grade 12 students have English L&L.
Tuesday - November 1, 2016
12:30 - 1:30pm
Room 1218
ACT Test is Saturday Oct. 22nd, 2016.
Please Bring the Following:
Having a hard time picking out window coverings for your home? Continue reading to check out some tips for choosing drapes and curtains that will best fit your decorating scheme.
Image Source: Flickr
Below are 3 tips for choosing drapes and curtains:
Length and Lining
Measure from the top of the window (plus the added inches of height where the curtains will hang from) to the floor. For a more traditional look, with the curtain slightly puddled on the floor, you’ll want to add another two or three inches to your length. For a modern, crisp look, have the panel fall flush with the floor.
When measuring the width of your window, be sure to add four to eight inches on both sides and double the total number to ensure curtain fullness. “Then you won’t block a lot of window glass when the curtains are open, and they won’t get in the way,” says Lawrence. Source: ElleDecor
Color and Fabric
Neutral curtain colors are a popular choice because they’re easier to blend into the rest of a room’s décor and are less likely to fade. But don’t be afraid to go with a pop of pattern like a quatrefoil or stripes to add some visual excitement to a room.
Lighter fabrics like linen, silk and variations of these materials filter light beautifully and hang nicely, making them good choices for a sunny room. Blackout curtains in velvet, suede, tapestry and other heavy materials are excellent for blocking light and controlling room temperature. Source: HomeDepot
Privacy and Lighting
Depending on your space, consider how much light you want to filter in or out:
If you’re choosing curtains for a common area like a living room or sunroom, opt for sheer curtains to allow more light into the space. Consider a heavier fabric in a room where you want more privacy or less natural light, such as a bedroom or theater room. Source: WayFair
We hope these tips will help you feel more confident about selecting drapes and curtains for each and every window in your home. For more information, contact us now!
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Tips for Choosing Drapes and Curtains appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
An accreditation team will be visiting ISB from November 7 to 11 to observe the school and complete their report. A lot of hard work has gone into preparing for this accreditation by various members of the ISB community, and we are grateful for everyone’s input. If you are interested in hearing from the accreditation team, they will be providing a summary of their observations in the Upper Gallery at 12:20 pm on Friday, November 11. This summary will highlight their thoughts, and will be an opportunity to get some insight into the findings, prior to receiving the completed report in a few months’ time. All parents are welcome to join.
To all MS athletes who were on sport teams this past season, (VERY IMPORTANT DAY)
We will have “MS sport teams photo day" next Tuesday 25th in Gym #2 right after school. Uniforms will be in the gym for you to change into. Mr. Fidler will be there with Mr Cuthbert to help organnize each team.
The order of teams to have photos done.
U12 Girls Soccer
U12 Boys Soccer
U13 Girls Soccer
U13 Boys Soccer
U14 Girls Soccer
U14 Boys Soccer
MS Baseball Team
Ms Badminton team
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Confused about which anti-aging products to use based on your skin type? Different skin types need different types of product. Here are some tips for choosing the anti-aging product that will be best for your particular skin type: Oily Skin For oily skin, pick something light that’s water-based. You should look for one that’s noncomedogenic […]
The post Anti-Aging Products for Your Skin Type appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Content originally published and Shared from
Put the finishing touches on your bathroom space with these bathroom accessory ideas, including: vanities, shelves & medicine cabinets, mirrors, floor rugs and decorative accessories.
Image Source: Flickr
Below are 4 tips on accessorizing bathrooms:
Vanities, Shelves & Medicine Cabinets
Get a large mirror and mount it above the vanity or sink. It will reflect the light and spread it around the room, and increase visual space. A large round mirror with interesting frames is always a great choice. Try to add two rectangular mirrors, or a grouping of smaller mirrors, leaving a small portion of space between them. It will look compelling, while still reflecting your head and torso. On the other hand, you can also try to make your old mirror more stylish by simply adding a decorative frame cover for achieving a classy and chic look. Inspiration is everywhere, you can even get amazing ideas just by looking at Sydney bathroom renovations showrooms. Remember, since you won’t have enough place for two mirrors, go with the one that you will use when you wash your face, or shave. A full length mirror should definitely go next to your wardrobe, where your clothes are. Therefore, do not exaggerate. Source: StrategiesOnline
Floor Rugs
Decorative Accessories
This photo illustrates a couple of great examples! If you’re slightly nervous about hanging art in your bath or powder room, gallery-style is the answer. Simply gather a collection of art you love. Anything goes. You can arrange pictures close together or far apart. Watercolors can stay together or let them mingle with photographs; frames and sizes can be matched or mismatched. You can even work in some dimensional pieces like the letter “C” here or a clock. Whether it’s an entire powder room or a portion of one wall in your master bath – a gallery-style display can take you “outside the box” and let your creativity shine! Source: SimpleBathOhio
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post 4 Tips on Accessorizing Your Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
SEASON 2 gets underway on Wednesday, October 26th. If you are interested in playing basketball, table tennis, or trying out for the swim team, you should be in Gym 2 on Wednesday at 15:45 for some initial season information. Tryouts will then commence after the meeting from 16:15.
Content originally published and Shared from
Top mount or undermount sinks? Wall-mount or pedestal sinks? There is a lot of choice out there and we’ll try to break it down for you.
Before you head out the door to get that new sink you need to consider which bathroom (master en suite, family bathroom, powder room), who is going to use the bathroom more often and the size of the space you. You might not have the space in your powder room for a double sink but you might in your master bedroom bathroom.
Top-mount sink – is the most common sink and sits in the bathroom cabinet with the rim visible. It works best in a minimalist design scheme. It can be used with any countertop material and is also less costly to install in a stone countertop, because you avoid having to polish the cutout edges, as is the case with an undermount sink. Unfortunately you can’t wipe any spills into the sink because of the rim.
Undermount sink – is installed underneath the counter with the rim flush with the countertop instead of sitting on top of it. Its clean look makes it a great fit for a high traffic family bathroom. You can clean up water spills easily but it is a more costly alternative requiring it to be installed to a stone or solid surface countertop material.
The advantage of a wall-mounted sink is that it doesn’t have any cabinets below it. Not only do you save on space but it makes the room look larger than it is. All of the plumbing must be located in the wall, there isn’t any storage space and excess water usually spills onto the floor. Ideal for the powder room; where storage isn’t a priority.
Suitable for a classic or a period oriented design, a pedestal sink hides the plumbing but the lack of any storage space under the sink or any counter space around it might not be suitable for a family bathroom.
A semi-recessed sink is the perfect alternative because it’s installed on the cabinet; providing you
If you want a statement piece a vessel sink that sits completely on top of the countertop might be the sink for you. It holds more water than most sinks but because it is higher than most other types of sinks it can be uncomfortable to use and difficult to clean.
Visit us online at to see our full selection of high quality and reasonably priced bathroom sinks and cabinets.
The post Choosing the Right Bathroom Sink appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
Dear HS Students,
DO you want to be part of an internationally recognised program and join the thousands of other participants in a fantastic program? It assists you to become a well-rounded student and person, provide support for a number of the extra-curricular aspects of school (CAS, Service, etc) and is recognised in many parts of the world by many organisations. If this interests you, then complete an application for the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award program and be part of something special.
You have one week to apply for this program. Please submit completed applications ONLY in paper form to the HS Office to the appropriate basket!
Thank you and see you in the DofE program!
The DofE Award Leader
Attention ALL future OpWall participants,
Have you ever wondered how you can have so much fun when school finishes in June and do something so interesting that it’s unbelievable? Well, you don’t have to wait or wonder any longer for your chance to experience that amazement. Come and find out more information about Operation Wallacea (OpWall) trip for this year to Tanzania/Malawi (The Great Rift Valley) for HS students (turning 16 years old by July 2017) to participate in!! Bring your interest and ask questions to an OpWall representative and find out more about the program and the general questions surrounding the trip.
There will be a mandatory introductory meeting on Monday the 24th of October @ 3:45pm in room 1109. If you want to find out more about the trip, but are unable to attend next Monday please contact Mr. Smyth – for more information. See you all there!!
Click here for more information.
Thank you,
Mr. Smyth and Ms. Wise
Saturday, October 29th 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Cost: 200RMB
For more details, please click here.
Today is the last session, all are welcome.
Coach Iles
Pencils of Promise is having a stationery sale during lunchtime on Wednesday Oct.19th in the HS cafeteria! We will be selling a variety of stationery including pens, notebooks, sticky flags for all your school needs! For every purchase you make, you will receive a free Pencils of Promise pencil! We hope to spread the message of the importance of education and aiding others who are not as privileged as we are. All proceeds will go towards the Gucheng center for unprivileged children in the hopes of providing them with an education they deserve! Be sure to come and show your support! A supplementary bake sale of delicious treats is also available.
Simply solo string concert 21st November online sign up is started. If you are currently participating school string orchestras enrichments and is interested to play a solo performance, please check the information and collect information required for online sign up before scanning the QR code to do online registration. There is a limit number and the deadline of doing register is Monday 24th Oct.
Simply Solo String Performance Information
Tomorrow, the raffle will be held at the cafeteria during lunch! Come join us at the HFH table to see and congratulate the winners, which could be yourself!
See you there!
ISB Performing Arts Dept. proudly presents.....
1001 Nights....and a matinee
Tuesday, October 18 at 3:45pm
Friday, October 21 at 7:00pm
Saturday, October 22 at 3:00pm
For tickets, please visit
Saturday, November 19th 10:00am - 4:00pm
Supported by Creatica, this family-friendly event is open to the community and promises fun for all ages. There will be exhibitions by students and local makers, makers’ space workshops, activities and games for children, and a food bazaar!
Anyone interested in taking part, please email Dr. Hill
Good Luck to all APAC athletes and coaches this week as they get ready for their respective season ending tournaments!
APAC VOLLEYBALL 2016 is happening here at ISB on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and you guys have no school! Come on down to Gyms 1 and 2 and support the boys and girls teams as they bid to become the 22nd APAC Volleyball champion winning teams. All schedule information is available in the Activities Office - come and check it out and cheer on your Dragons!
MS Showcase Concerts are October 26th and 27th, 6:00 pm in the Theater.
Food donation will be truly appreciated. For more information and to volunteer, please email
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So, you’re ready to embark on that long awaited bathroom renovation. You’ve flipped through all the magazines full of glossy images of steam showers, whirlpool tubs, spa tables, and all manner of luxury items for your very own retreat. Now what?
Before you actually sign a contract with a designer, there are some considerations you need to think about it. Take a step back and figure out exactly what your budget is and whether or not you’re going to allow yourself to change your plans halfway through the project. I know that last bit sounds a bit silly. But, the number of choices you’ll be required to make and the variety of products and ideas you’ll come across might tempt you to change your original vision over and over again!
Once you’ve figured out exactly what you want from your bathroom, interview every available designer until you find one that answers the following questions to your satisfaction.
What is your renovation schedule? You will want a designer (and subsequently, a contractor) who will decide right from the start on a solid timeline. The schedule should tell you when the work will start, when you’re expected to pay for that work, and when it will be completed. You’ll also want to know if the workers will be in your home every day until the project is complete or just on particular days.
Who will be in my home? Bathroom renovations involve a lot of different tradespeople. Make sure you know ahead of time who is expected to show up when. If you can’t be home during the renovation, find out if the contractor or designer offers a supervisory service. Failing that, try asking a family member or neighbor to come over and supervise who is in your home and where they go.
How will my home be protected? With so many tradespeople coming and going, it would be easy for a stranger to enter without anyone knowing. As above, find someone to supervise the work if you can’t be there yourself. Also, remove all breakables and anything valuable from adjacent rooms. Renovations can be a little destructive, and you don’t want something important to vibrate off a table and break. If renovators need to remove a window or outside wall, find out how they plan to protect your home from the weather and any animals that might try to enter.
What is your preferred method of communication? Designers and renovators are busy people. So are you, for that matter. Because anything can happen during a renovation, knowing how to contact the designer or contractor is key. That person should provide you with a cell phone number or the best way of reaching him or her quickly.
Do you anticipate any problems? Before you start your renovation, your head is probably full of all the wonderful ideas you’ve been collecting that will turn your barely functioning bathroom into a spa-like experience. Be aware, though, that few renovations are problem free. Your designer or contractor should be sufficiently familiar with the style and age of your home to know what kind of issues you might run into. Anticipating problems will ensure that you have enough money saved in your budget to deal with any surprises.
Contributed by: Aaron Gruenke author and foremost expert in bathroom design and bathroom products.
The post 5 Questions To Ask Before You Hire A Designer appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
Monday evening hands us the biggest Premier League fixture of the season, as rivals Liverpool and Manchester United clash in Anfield- in a game where there is everything to play for. Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool are right up there in the title frame, whilst United have stuttered this season but a victory here could kick-start their season.
Both sides are full of talent, particularly in attack, but they could do with some slight improvements in defence. Overall though, choosing a combined XI between two of the finest sides in the Premier League was certainly not easy- and we’re sure you’ll disagree on a few positions!
We stuck to a traditional 4-4-2 formation for this selection, which perhaps sees some players play a little bit out of position, but we’re left with an extremely talented squad.
In goal the choice of David De Gea was an easy pick, as the Spaniard is significantly better than Liverpool’s duo of Loris Karius and Simon Mignolet. Arguably the best goalkeeper in the Premier League, De Gea has gone from strength to strength in recent years and has taken Spain’s number one jersey, after years of Los Rojas sticking with Iker Casillas.
On the left-side of defence, it’s again an easy decision to go for Manchester United’s Luke Shaw, ahead of Alberto Moreno and James Milner. We’ve also gone with United’s first-choice defensive partnership of Eric Bailly and Chris Smalling, electing to choose them ahead of Liverpool’s options.
Our first Liverpool player coming into the squad is on the right-side of defence though, with Nathaniel Clyne getting the nod ahead of Antonio Valencia. Matteo Darmian was another option but, given the fact he’s failed to establish himself in the side this season, it was another fairly easy decision.
Moving into the midfield, Henrikh Mkhitaryan features on the right. This isn’t down to his form this season, where he’s been a bit-part player since arriving from Borussia Dortmund, but the Armenian international tore the Bundesliga apart last season. As the saying goes; form is temporary, class is permanent.
On the right, another summer signing joins the team in the form of Sadio Mane. He has established himself as a key-player for Jurgen Klopp’s side this season, scoring three goals in six Premier League appearances this term, and he’ll be crucial in Liverpool’s push back to the Champions League.
In the centre, it’s another case of positions that pick themselves. Paul Pogba and Philippe Coutinho are the obvious choices and the ones we go with. Pogba, having arrived for a world-record fee from Juventus, has started to perform in the Premier League after a slow start, whilst Coutinho at times looks a class ahead of his team-mates at Anfield. With both of these players in midfield, any side would find them difficult to break down.
Finishing off the squad in attack, it’s one from each side once again. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, one of the best striker’s in world football, is another obvious choice and the Swedish international has settled into English football quickly; scoring four goals in seven games.
The last spot goes to Roberto Firmino, a player who arrived from Germany last summer and started off quite slowly, before finding his feet in the second-half of the season. Now, under the guidance of Jurgen Klopp, Firmino has grabbed three goals in six appearances and has created a deadly partnership with the likes of Sadio Mane.
Squad wise, there is quite a few quality players that miss out. Wayne Rooney, Marcus Rashford, Anthony Martial and Juan Mata are notable absentees from Manchester United, whilst Liverpool see the likes of Georginio Wijnaldum, Daniel Sturridge and Adam Lallana miss out.
The post Liverpool & Manchester United combined XI appeared first on Top Eleven's Football Blog.
International Day parade will be indoors today due to high AQI
HS students and teachers should line the hallway at the front of the building from the main reception to the HS office.
Be ready to begin the parade at 2:40pm!
Hey everyone!
During International Day, there will be a Capture the Flag event going on at the field next to the dome. The event will go from 15:40 to 18:00 and will go on a round-robin style game where there are 4 teams of 10 (40 people, spaces are limited!!) If you are interested in participating for this event, please head over to this link and signup!
Spaces are limited, so it's first come first serve!
Hey everyone, so we have gotten some feedback on the event, and some people aren't able to make the event at 3:40, so we have changed the time to 4:40 to allow more people to join. Also if the air is bad tomorrow, we will be moving into Gym 2.
We will run a Wednesday schedule today
Be part of the International Day celebration at 2:25 – 3:25pm and parade with your group
Wear something that represents your nationality!
October 11: Registration opens at 9:00am for families with more than one child at ISB
October 14: Registration is open at 9:00am to all families
We look forward to seeing you all on October 20 & 21!
What better way to add style to your home while cutting energy costs at the same time, than adding energy efficient window treatments? Take a look at these options:
Image Source: Flickr
Look for drapes with lining and interlining—blackout lining protects from summer sun and heat, while thermally lined drapes (which have interlining made of thick flannel or other heavy material) shut out the cold. Homeowners in climates that don’t often dip below freezing can skip the interlining and save a bit of money, since the drapes and lining alone should insulate effectively.
Like shades and shutters, draperies are only efficient when they’re closed. However, if they’re used in conjunction with another window covering, such as a honeycomb shade or a wood blind, you can let sun in during daylight hours and effectively shut out colder air at night. When fully closed, the R-values of thermally lined drapes range from R-3 to R-5, depending on the type of fabric and the thickness of the lining and interlining.
To maximize energy efficiency, Korby recommends floor-to-ceiling drapes that fold back against the wall. This allows the drapes to seal off the window, preventing drafts and loss of heat through convection. Source: Houselogic
When properly installed, window shades can be one of the simplest and most effective window treatments for saving energy.
Shades should be mounted as close to the glass as possible with the sides of the shade held close to the wall to establish a sealed air space. You should lower shades on sunlit windows in the summer. Shades on the south side of a house should be raised in the winter during the day, then lowered during the night.
For greater efficiency, use dual shades—highly reflective (white) on one side and heat absorbing (dark) on the other side—that can be reversed with the seasons. The reflective surface should always face the warmest side—outward during the cooling season and inward during the heating season, and they need to be drawn all day to be effective.
Quilted roller shades and some types of Roman shades feature several layers of fiber batting and sealed edges. These shades act as both insulation and air barrier, and control air infiltration more effectively than other soft window treatments. Source:
Both interior and exterior blinds help reduce solar heat gain while maintaining desired light, ventilation and privacy. When closed and lowered on a sunny window, reflective blinds (white or near white) are capable of reducing heat gain by 45 percent.
Ideal locations: South- and west-facing windows.
Best uses: Reducing heat gain where you still want options for light, ventilation and privacy.
Exterior blinds are potentially even more effective than interior blinds. Unlike interior blinds, they block heat before it is transmitted through the window and warms up the room. They are tricky to add to an existing window, however, so are best left for new construction. Source: Forbes
For other selections, contact us! We’ll be more than happy to assist with choosing the right window treatments for your home.
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Energy Efficient Window Treatments appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.