Saturday, July 29, 2017
Two Drawer Dovetail Box
from Jays Custom Creations
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
from Jays Custom Creations
3 Bathroom Mistakes to Avoid
Content originally published and Shared from
Despite using the bathroom every day since you were born, you probably still make mistakes that you weren’t aware of. Check out these examples:
Image Source: Flickr
Using toxic chemicals to clean
Let’s take a moment to think about the reason you’re actually cleaning anyway…to kill infection- and illness-causing bacteria, right? Then, you’ll be surprised to know many of the cleaning products you’re using could be harmful to your health. The Environmental Working Group has published a “Hall Of Shame” list of worst-offending cleaning products, many of which are banned in other countries and have ingredients known to cause cancer, blindness and more.
Instead, make your own green cleaner using fruit! A grapefruit cut in half with salt is an effective tub scrubber and a halved lemon will make the water stains on your faucets a distant memory. Not to mention, your bathroom will smell amazing. Source: HuffingtonPost
Flushing the toilet with the lid up
You pee, wipe, stand up, and just flush the toilet, right? It sounds basic enough. But flushing the toilet with the lid still up is a mistake, because there’s this thing called “toilet plume” you may not know about. “Toilet plume” is the mixture of small waste particles and water in your toilet that can shoot aerosolized feces as high as 15 feet into the air when you flush. Yuck, and no thank you.
A study conducted at the University of Oklahoma found that “toilet plume could play a contributory role in the transmission of infectious diseases.” Another study in 2012 at Leeds University discovered that a germ called C. difficile can be catapulted up to 10 inches above the toilet seat every time you flush with the lid open. By the way, C. difficile gives you nausea and makes you vomit. So, yeah, close the lid before you flush. Source: HelloGiggles
Ignoring the floor
Your bathroom floor is dirtier than your toilet seat, according to ABC News. If you walk around in your bare feet, you’re going to pick up all kinds of bacteria (as many as 2 million per square inch). In fact, most people worry about the toilet seat, but never pay attention to the even more dangerous floor. So make sure your feet are covered instead of the toilet seat if you’re a germaphobe. Source: Bustle
We can keep you updated with current bathroom trends. Feel free to contact us for more information!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
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from Perfect Bath Canada
Business Corporate Compliance: How To Stay In Good Standing
from Launch – the official blog of
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
3 Sunscreen Mistakes to Avoid
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
If you’re fond of visiting a skincare clinic or reading beauty tips, you may already be tired of being reminded how important it is to apply sunscreen every day. What you may not know is that even if you comply with this rule, you may still be in danger from sun exposure due to the […]
The post 3 Sunscreen Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
5 Decorating Tips for an Attic Bedroom Sanctuary
Attics are places that seem to be frozen in time, collecting dust and hiding forgotten family heirlooms. However, with some effort, it is possible to transform the underused space into a stylish, tranquil haven.
Image Source: Flickr
Below are 5 decorating tips for an attic bedroom sanctuary:
Using Sloped Ceilings Properly
Use sloped ceilings wisely. “Dormers are great for window seats, desks or reading nooks,” says Heron. “These types of activities don’t require ceiling height, so where things are constricted, they provide extra function to that space.”
If you’re short on storage, built-in shelving is another wise use of the space where a sloped ceiling meets the floor. Source: Houzz
Avoiding Overcrowding & Using Furniture
Speaking of furniture, since attics tend to be more cramped than other rooms you’ll want to avoid overstuffing your attic with bulky furniture. The fewer items you have, the better the flow will be. Choose furniture with a low profile since ceiling height could impede movement. Keep beds away from the lowest parts of the room so that nobody bumps their heads when getting in and out. Another issue with a converted attic is that you often lose storage space. This is a problem since you also want to limit the amount of furniture in the attic. The answer is to incorporate storage into the furniture you have. Beds that have drawers beneath them, ottomans that have interior storage, and other multi-purpose pieces of furniture will help you achieve this goal without swamping the space. Source: Blog.ClubFurniture
Picking Colors
The room paint is quite a challenge for the attic room. The reason behind this is simple, these kind of rooms have less walls and wide ceiling. It is important to do the paint work carefully so that you can make the room attractive. The trick is to use two different colours on the wall and the ceiling. Select white or neutral colour for the walls to make it bright. Source: HomeDecorXP
Making Use of a Ceiling Skylight
The attic is the perfect location for a skylight. Although it doesn’t strictly fall under the category of decorations, it’s a very practical project that will add to the appeal of your home. It will allow you to enjoy the great-looking night sky and cloud-gazing during the day right from the comfort of your new room. This will also save on electricity during the day as light will stream into your room and you won’t have to light up the place. There are many innovative options out there you can make use of during your projects. Source: ImproveNet
Choosing Window Treatments
The attic was now ready for the gangly youth, but there was an important detail that needed to be incorporated with Window treatments ideas! Neighbors who’d had their home redone recently told us, the best option to find large varieties of the most effortless and effective window dressings is online shopping. This would also save us professional consultation and installation fees. Going through the online options had our eyes popping! The variety was amazing, but we soon educated ourselves enough to narrow the options down to two – Window Shutters or Cellular Shades. Though the cellular shades were cheaper and provided exemplary insulation, we decided to get the Woodlore Plus Norman Shutters as we felt it would be a more resilient option for clumsy teenage hands. Source: ZebraBlinds
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 5 Decorating Tips for an Attic Bedroom Sanctuary appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #183 – July 22, 2017
from Jays Custom Creations
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
10 Ways to Create a Successful Small Business Brand
from Launch – the official blog of
3 Common Problems with Shades and How to Fix Them
As with any other window treatment, shades are also vulnerable to wear and tear. Although issues may arise after some time, you can easily fix them by following these simple tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Adjusting Spring Tension
When shades roll up faster than normal, sometimes ending with a bang, or the opposite occurs and the shade rolls up too slowly, the tension of the spring in the roller may need adjusting. An over-tightened spring will cause the shade to roll too quickly. If the spring is too loose, the shade will roll slowly. To loosen the spring, roll the shade up and remove the roller from the brackets that hold it in place. Manually unroll the shade halfway and then place it back into the brackets. Check the tension and repeat the procedure if necessary until the shade is operating normally. To tighten the spring, pull the shade halfway down and then remove the roller from the brackets. Manually roll up the shade and replace it in the brackets. Repeat until the shade rolls and unrolls normally. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate
The Shade is Brittle and Cracked
If the tension roller is still working, it’s simply time to replace the shade fabric. Remove shade from window brackets. Unroll the shade until you can access the top of the fabric, as it is either adhered or stapled to the roller itself. Remove the old shade fabric by simply pulling it off and then discarding.
Replace with new shade of any firm fabric that is of equal width and length. Upholstery glue will work, but you will need to ensure the fabric is securely attached and the glue is dry before returning to the window. Stapling is also an effective way of replacing the shade, but be certain your staples are flush with the roller. Strong tape is another method. Source: DoItYourself
When the Shade Won’t go Up or Down Properly
The roller mechanism is probably at fault. Shades are operated by a strong coil spring inside one end of the roller. The pin that holds the shade up at this end of the roller is flat; this flat pin tightens or loosens the spring when you roll the shade up or down. At the flat-pin end of the roller, the spring is controlled by a pawl and ratchet that stop the movement of the spring when the shade is released. If the shade is too tight or too loose, or if it doesn’t stay in place when you release it, there is usually a problem with the spring or with the pawl-and-ratchet mechanism. Unless the spring is broken, this is easy to fix. Source: Home.HowStuffWorks
Purchase a roller shade from us and you won’t have to worry about these things anymore. Our limited lifetime warranty protection ensures that you get to enjoy your window treatment for years to come. Contact us today!
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Common Problems with Shades and How to Fix Them appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Top 4 Anti-Aging Tips from Dermatologists
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Grow old gracefully with these top 4 anti-aging tips, including: focusing on what you put in your body, avoiding sun exposure, using a retinoid, and considering products that rehydrate and replenish your skin. Focus on What you Put in Your Body You might expect a dermatologist to emphasize only skin-care products and techniques, but Madfes […]
The post Top 4 Anti-Aging Tips from Dermatologists appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
Monday, July 17, 2017
Filing an Amendment – FAQs
from Launch – the official blog of
Friday, July 14, 2017
How to Legally Structure Your Business To Secure Financing
from Launch – the official blog of
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Hot or Cold Water: Which Should You Use For Bathing?
Content originally published and Shared from
While showering, have you ever paused for a moment to appreciate how the water’s temperature feels so good on your skin? Well, you’ll be delighted to know that there are benefits to gain whether you choose hot or cold water for your bath time.
Image Source: Flickr
Hot Water
Relieve tension and soothe stiff muscles
If you have a powerful showerhead, even better! Let the hot water work like a minimassage on your shoulders, neck, and back.
Studies have shown that taking a hot shower can amp up your oxytocin levels and ease anxiety. Anyone working with stress can use more of the love hormone in their life!
A hot shower also acts as a natural decongestant to relieve cold symptoms, since the hot steam moisturizes nasal passages. Source: PopSugar
Cold Water
Boost the metabolism
Although many people do not know it, a cold shower can actually boost the body’s metabolism. When this happens, it prepares the body to fight off dangerous diseases, including diabetes, rheumatic disease, and even depression. Source: VKool
Strengthen immunity and circulation
Remember how I mentioned that cold showers speed up your metabolic rate, which helps you lose fat? The increase of this rate activates your immune system, which releases virus-fighting white blood cells that will help you get sick less frequently. Cold showers also increase your overall blood circulation, which can help you avoid hypertension and the hardening of arteries. Source: LifeHack
Refine hair and skin
When it comes to hair and skin, one of the most natural ways to maintain your appearance is with cold showers. Hot water has the tendency to dry out our skin, so it’s best to use cold water to tighten your cuticles and pores, which will prevent them from getting clogged. Cold water can “seal” the pores in the skin and scalp too, preventing dirt from getting in. Source: Medical Daily
Get to enjoy even more health benefits when you use a steam shower! For more information, feel free to contact us!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post Hot or Cold Water: Which Should You Use For Bathing? appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Employer Identification Number: What is an EIN and How to do I Get One?
from Launch – the official blog of
4 Signs of Sun-Damaged Skin
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Lying by the shores of a beautiful beach or just chilling at the park—these are only some of the activities you can enjoy during the summer. Just be reminded to take precautionary measures to avoid overexposure to the sun as it might lead to one of the following signs of sun-damaged skin: Wrinkles, Laugh Lines, Crow’s […]
The post 4 Signs of Sun-Damaged Skin appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
4 Tips for Choosing the Right Vertical Blinds
Blinds can add grace to a room. However, they also require careful thought in choosing the right blinds for your windows. Vertical blinds are best for giving a taller look to your windows. Here are some guide tips that can help you choose the right vertical blinds as per your needs and requirements of your room.
Image Source: Flickr
Wooden Vertical Blinds: One of the most popular types of vertical blinds on the market is made from wood. If budget is no concern, then wooden vertical blinds can add elegance to any environment. However, wood is also susceptible to sunlight fading, mildew and humidity more than other materials, and this may cause them to require maintenance and replacement more often.
Metal Vertical Blinds: Homeowners who are on a limited budget might turn to metal vertical blinds, which are typically made from aluminum. This material won’t rust easily, and it is incredibly easy to keep clean and maintain. However, larger slats can dent or crease over time, and there is no real way to fix this without replacing the slat entirely. Metal vertical blinds can be purchased in a variety of colors and thicknesses, but this is one material that might be noisy if there is a breeze in the home from an open window or a closing door.
Solid or Translucent PVC Vertical Blinds: PVC, or Polyvinyl chloride, is a synthetic material that is a top choice for the construction of vertical blinds. Designed to be strong and durable, PVC is available in a number of colors, thicknesses and translucency options to better fit the needs of the buyer. This material is also flame-resistant, making it ideal for children’s bedrooms. Fabric Vertical Blinds: For a softer feel, some homeowners are drawn to the look of fabric vertical blinds. This material can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, but larger stains and damage can be tougher to deal with. Anyone who wants the light and style of curtains with the sleekness of blinds will want to consider this fabric option, which can come in hundreds of potential colors and patterns to suit the design of the homeowner. Source: ImproveNet
Light Filtering and Privacy
Vertical blinds will never be a good choice for room darkening or black out. Even opaque materials like vinyl will not totally darken a room – too many light gaps to be effective in this regard. But there numerous light filtering choice in fabric vertical blinds. There are solar screen vertical blinds. They have vanes made from the same solar screen material as solar shades. This is a good choice for patio doors or large windows with a view. The solar screen material allows view-through while blocking UV rays and solar heat gain. You can choose from a range of screen openness factors from about 3%-14%; the greater the number, the more light can pass through the material. Fabric vertical blinds are a good choice to preserve natural light as many of the choices provide gentle light filtering.
One of the basic function of any window treatment is privacy. Most vertical blinds will provide privacy (people can’t see into your home). Solar vertical blinds are one of the few choices that don’t provide privacy. In general, be mindful of the opacity of the vanes. How you see out of your window, is likely how people can see into your home. Source: Blindsgalore.WordPress
While most people will go for the option with the lowest required maintenance, others don’t mind performing a little upkeep in exchange for stunning blinds that will stand the test of time. Fabric will require more upkeep than plastic, metal or timber – but even fabric window furnishings are relatively easy to look after. Generally, all they require is the occasional vacuum and spot stain removal. Source: Blog.RisMedia
Installing Vertical Blinds (or any blinds) can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on the style, material and the brand of blinds you choose. Before you order. Count how many windows you are looking at purchasing blinds for and measure them. That way you can price for the whole house and budget from there. Source: CompleteBlinds
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 4 Tips for Choosing the Right Vertical Blinds appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
Sunday, July 9, 2017
PROJECT PLAN – April Wilkerson – Bed Swing
from Jays Custom Creations
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Picking Materials for a Bathroom Remodel
Content originally published and Shared from
Before you shop for vanities and choose the material for your countertops, make sure you have a well-thought-out plan for your bathroom renovation. In this short post we’ll discuss some tips that could help you in picking materials for a bathroom remodel.
Image Source: Flickr
Bathroom Flooring
- If you want an easy-care floor: Go for porcelain or glazed tiles, and avoid porous natural stone tiles like limestone. Unless sealed vigilantly, they’ll absorb drips and spills and become stained over time.
- If you want a nonslip floor: Choose tiles with textured surfaces, matte finishes, or sand-containing glazes. Another option: small tiles with lots of grout lines, which offer better “grip” than large tiles. Source: ThisOldHouse
Bathroom Fixtures
- Bathtubs and Whirlpools: Choose a tub that not only looks great but is also functional. A modern Acrylic Tub like the American Standard Studio Collection, features the EcoSilent Combo Massage System for the ultimate home spa experience that uses 50 percent less energy and produces 70 percent less noise. The air bath system offers a variety of massage options ranging from a gentle air bubble massage to an invigorating water jet massage.
- Showers: Shower options are only limited to your imagination and budget. Many folks showers have spa like steam systems, music, lights, seating, rain-simulating shower heads, body sprays, hand held sprayers enclosed in custom glass enclosures.
- Sinks: Sinks come in all shapes, sizes, styles and colors. They can look like a vessel or basin or have a simple minimalist look similar to the American Standard Studio Under-counter Sink which is known for its unique curved basin. Under-mount sinks are popular in bathrooms with granite counter tops and are easy to clean and offer a striking, modern look.
- Faucets and Shower heads: Shower heads can be a simple no adjustment spray heat to an elaborate rain drop head. Many showers these days are also being plumbed with hand sprayers. Most hand sprayers offer a selector button on the hand grip that makes it easy to change spray patterns, even with wet, soapy hands.
- Toilets: The sky is the limit with toilet selection to simple design to the elegant, standard height to tall and the ever popular elongated bowls design. Many manufacturers offer toilets as part of a collection that match sinks, tub and bidets. Toilets today can have dual flush or even automated features that rival robotics. Source: AConcordCarpenter
Bathroom Countertops
Vanity tops must play the dual role of being durable and capable of standing up to water, soap, cosmetics while serving as an ample work surface for morning rush hour in the bathroom. This is no place for delicate, porous (read: easy-to-stain) surfaces. At the same time, the vanity top can be a focal point and a connecting point, where wood cabinets below meet tile wall above, for instance.
- Granite and marble. In a master bath, it pays to install granite or marble, which attract buyers at resale and give the vanity top a rich, sleek look. And with affordable “grades” of granite available on the market today, you don’t have to empty your wallet for this feature. You will, of course, spend more on granite than laminate, but the result is a surface that can handle heat and wear. Be advised: granite must be sealed to repel grease (which you could run into in hair products and such). Marble stains easily, while granite stands up to most stains.
- Solid surface. Quartzite materials are incredibly durable and low-maintenance. Scratches are easily buffed out with fine-grade sandpaper, and the surface can handle high heat (curling irons and all). The cost is comparable to granite and marble. Source: HGTV
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post Picking Materials for a Bathroom Remodel appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
Top 5 Hair Removal Mistakes to Avoid
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Taming unwanted body hair is a never-ending chore, since it has to be done so often. However, we all make hair removal mistakes from time to time, and these mistakes can be unsightly and painful. Check out the list below for the top 5 hair removal mistakes to avoid: Not Exfoliating All methods of hair […]
The post Top 5 Hair Removal Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
3 Tips for Windows That Expose Your Bathroom to Light Without Exposing You
In this short post, we’ll cover 3 tips for windows that expose your bathroom to light without exposing you, including: louvered & low-set windows, window treatments and green walls.
Image Source: Flickr
Louvered & Low-set windows
Louvered glazed panels are a great way to create a large window, but are also a means of controlling airflow. If privacy is not an issue, you can flood the interior with natural light via fully transparent louvres while enjoying the cool breezes.
If privacy is an issue, the answer is white translucent glass. You can still control the ventilation but also the amount of transparency by adjusting the louvres to the angle that suits you.
TIP: If you don’t have a spare wall in which you can incorporate a large floor-to-ceiling window, consider putting one of the shower cubicle walls to good use. Just be sure to choose a water-resistant material for the window frame, such as aluminums.
A great way to enjoy the outside garden but also enjoy your privacy is to incorporate a long and narrow floor window that allows the bathroom to extend to the outside world. In a long bathroom such as this, the low-set windows not only maximise the light coming in, but also serve to make the space look bigger. Source: Houzz
Window Treatments
Yes, window treatments are a thing even in the bathroom. Decorative and breezy shades are a great way to let light through and still experience privacy. Curtains will bring a decorative element to your bathroom with minimal effort.
If you don’t love the look of shades in your bathroom, then go for something more structured and modern like wood blinds. Blinds are nice for allowing in light during the daytime and avoiding onlookers in the evening. Source: ImproveNet
Green Walls
A green wall built outside near a bathroom with a window wall of clear glass can lend both privacy and bright light. The sight of greenery is also soothing in itself.
These windows and window treatments are great ideas for allowing in the beauty and peacefulness of natural light while providing for the privacy needed in a bathroom. Source: AlairHomes
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Tips for Windows That Expose Your Bathroom to Light Without Exposing You appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
What Drives Social Sharing? The Psychology of Viral Content
from Launch – the official blog of
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #181 – July 1, 2017
from Jays Custom Creations