Saturday, September 30, 2017
Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #189 – September 30, 2017
from Jays Custom Creations
Friday, September 29, 2017
Small Business Technology Solutions That Offer Grow
As technology continues to reshape the way we do business, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that powerful tools - such as artificial intelligence and the IoT – are only an asset to bigger companies. But this isn’t true. In fact, the ubiquity of connected devices is driving more opportunities for small business owners [...]
The post Small Business Technology Solutions That Offer Grow appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
IB Information Session for Parents
What is IB?
If you have always heard these strange acronyms, IB, TOK, CAS, IA, EE, never knew what they meant and want to know, we are hosting an IB information session for parents on Monday, October 16 at 8:30 am in the MPR.
from Finalsite Academy News
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Dome Opening Hours - October Holiday
September 30: OPEN
October 1 to 4: CLOSED
October 5 to 9: OPEN 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Contact: 80462822
from Finalsite Academy News
Impressive Victory for ISB Golfers at BISGL
from Finalsite Academy News
World Languages Week at ISB
from Finalsite Academy News
Friday September 29 Schedule
8:15 – 9:35 |
Block D |
9:35 – 9:45 |
Break |
9:45 – 11:05 |
Block A |
11:10 – 12:30 |
Block B |
12:30 – 13:05 |
Lunch |
13:05 – 14:20 |
Block C Students move to the stadium at 14:20 for Terry Fox Run |
from Finalsite Academy News
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
I Get Email #07: Shop Lighting
from Jays Custom Creations
Thursday September 28 Flex Time
from Finalsite Academy News
Is a Multi-Member LLC Right For You?
The multi-member LLC is a Limited Liability Company with more than one owner. It is a separate legal entity from its owners, but not a separate tax entity. A business with multiple owners operates as a general partnership, by default, unless registered with the state as an LLC or corporation. Would it make sense for [...]
The post Is a Multi-Member LLC Right For You? appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
ISB Word Slam
To sign up, please email before Oct. 9 with your name and grade. There will be a practice session on Oct. 11 at 2:30pm in room 3209.
Simon Shieh, ISB’s Writer in Residence, will be helping students workshop their poems during his ASA in room 3209 on Wednesdays at 2:30pm.
For more information, or to make an appointment with him, send him an email at
from Finalsite Academy News
3 Benefits of Home Automation
Living in a smart house may sound luxurious but the benefits are definitely worth the investment. Get to know how home automation can positively affect your daily routine by checking out the following:
Image Source: Flickr
It’s Energy Efficient
Having precise control over the power used as well as the temperature can ensure that your home is more energy efficient. This is why smart homes are a part of the appliances that you can use to be more environmentally conscious in your home. Depending on the system that you have in your home, it can suggest energy efficient settings. Source: Property24
Increases Peace of Mind
Perhaps this benefit will not apply to everyone, but for those who habitually worry about whether or not they have taken care of everything at home before leaving for the day, a home automation system is a perfect investment. In short, it offers peace of mind. This is quite beneficial for those individuals who leave each day, obsessively worrying if everything is in order. With so many stresses in daily life, it is nice to take at least one off the list by being able to see what is going on at home without physically being there. Source: Freshome
Convenience is one of the biggest reasons that people build and purchase smart homes. These homes give users remote access to systems including heating and cooling systems, intercoms, music and multimedia devices throughout the home. Integrated hard drives allow homeowners to watch video or listen to audio in any room; video intercoms make it easy to communicate with others in the home or visitors at the door. All of these smart home technologies streamline common tasks. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate
Can you imagine how convenient it would be to have automated window treatments? It’s entirely possible! For more information, call us today!
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Benefits of Home Automation appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
Things You Need To Know Before a Bathroom Remodel
Content originally published and Shared from
Renovations are always exciting. Yes, you might have to spend a lot. But if the work is excellently done, then you’ll definitely get your money’s worth. Remember to take note of the following things before you proceed on your project.
Image Source: Flickr
Consider these master bath must-haves
Sharing with your sweetie is simpler when you’ve made space for these features.
- Toilet room:Gives this area privacy; best if it’s got a door.
- Separate shower stall:Lets bathers and shower-takers clean up simultaneously.
- Dual workstations:Place double sinks 36 inches apart or more, measured drain to drain, so that you’ll have elbow room. Give each sink enough outlets and lighting, as well as mirror, countertop, and storage space.
- Wide pathways:Traffic lanes 36 to 42 inches wide allow two people to pass each other without having to squeeze by. Source: ThisOldHouse
Don’t make the toilet the first thing you see when open the door
Ask a bathroom designer what his or her best tried and true tip is, and this is what you’re likely to hear. The reasoning is simple. Oftentimes bathroom doors get left open, meaning that you or any guest in your home walking by will see the toilet — which, come on, isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing thing to look at. If you’re hoping for a spa-like vibe, putting the john front and center in the design can sort of kill the mood as you’re transitioning into the room. So, what should you make the focal point? Anything but the toilet. Source: Houzz
The golden rules of bathroom renovations
- Draw up a clear plan of the room to remodel, and make it to scale. This will be a great reference not only for you, but also for your subcontractors.
- Estimate the approximate total cost of your renovation beforeyou begin your work. This includes quotes from workers, for materials, new fixtures (bath, shower, toilet, and faucets), furniture, decor and lighting.
- Ask for at least two or three quotes from different workers.
- Shop around for your bathroom fixtures. You’d be surprised how much you can save.
- Prepare yourself for surprises and extra expenses along the way, especially if you decide to open up the space and remove walls.
- Do not touch a load bearing wall without first consulting with an expert. Source: Yellowpages
Find top of the line fixtures that will surely fit in your new bathroom. Call us today!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post Things You Need To Know Before a Bathroom Remodel appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
World Scholars' Cup
from Finalsite Academy News
4 Ways You Can Get Rid of Dark Circles Fast
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Concealing dark circles all the time requires so much work and cosmetics – it’s a stressful process. Why don’t you try the following tips for a fresher, dark circle-free look even without makeup on! Cool down. If you need to minimize the appearance of dark circles and under-eye bags STAT, cooling down the area is […]
The post 4 Ways You Can Get Rid of Dark Circles Fast appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
Available: Parenting Books
from Finalsite Academy News
Monday, September 25, 2017
Top Real Estate LLC Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
With any property, there are inherent liabilities — from a broken balcony railing to old electrical wiring or mold. And with an LLC, your personal assets aren't vulnerable should you be sued by a tenant or property guest. Forming an LLC is a relatively quick and painless process. And while it may straightforward, there are some common mistakes that investors make that can impact the benefits of the LLC as dicussed and laid out wihtin this blog post.
The post Top Real Estate LLC Mistakes and How to Avoid Them appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
PTA Parent Seminar
Learn how to help your child succeed in the 21st Century. The Art of Learning - The Importance of Failing Well
Lance G. King
Wednesday, October 11
8:45 am to 11:00 am
from Finalsite Academy News
Terry Fox Run
Friday, September 29th
ES Run - 8:25 am, in the Stadium
MS/HS Run - 2:20 pm, in the Stadium
Parents welcome!
Click here to download the full schedule
from Finalsite Academy News
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Flex Time This Week
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
WellCo Activities for Grade 9-10 in Glass Box, Gym 2, 1108 and MPR Knowledge Bowl for Grade 11-12 in the Theater
Mentoring for Grade 10, 11, 12, selected Grade 9s will have Mentoring/Mindfulness Mentoring/Study Hall
No Flex |
Climate Survey Assembly in the Theater for all Grade 9 - 12
Terry Fox Run - No Flex
from Finalsite Academy News
Fifth Block This Week
This week's fifth block for grade 12s has been allocated to Math HL. See your teacher for locations, times and expectations.
from Finalsite Academy News
Friday, September 22, 2017
How to Protect a Business Name
As an entrepreneur, my business name is my greatest asset. I have invested countless hours promoting my business. I have untold articles hoping people respond favorably when they hear the word "CorpNet." I have traveled across the United States, away from my husband and children, promoting my business name and its products and services. Thus, [...]
The post How to Protect a Business Name appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
What Is a Fictitious Name?
What Is a fictitious name? A fictitious name is a name other than your proper legal business entity name that you formally get permission from the state (or county) to use when conducting business. You may also see a fictitious business name referred to as a “Doing Business As” (DBA), “assumed name,” or “trade name.” [...]
The post What Is a Fictitious Name? appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Late Student ELO Sign Up
from Finalsite Academy News
I Get Email #06: Air Compressors
from Jays Custom Creations
Innovative Middle School Back to School Night at ISB
from Finalsite Academy News
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
HS Musical meeting
from Finalsite Academy News
Student Wellness Council Flex Time Activities (9th and 10th Grade)
from Finalsite Academy News
Flexible Staffing Options: Get Help Without Hiring Full-time Employees
At some point, growing businesses need more hands on-deck. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to invest the money to hire full-time employees—yet. Before you hire full-time employees, there are other staffing options you can explore. Bring on Extra Help With Our Six Flexible Staffing Options 1. Family and Friends Starting a business requires [...]
The post Flexible Staffing Options: Get Help Without Hiring Full-time Employees appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
Terry Fox Run 2017
from Finalsite Academy News
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Student Planned Absences and make up work
ISB believes that consistent attendance in class supports student success. We also believe that co-curricular opportunities are an enriching part of student’s high school experience. We want to assist students in pursuing opportunities whilst still finding a healthy balance.
Students attending excused school-sponsored activities such as Sport, Performing Arts, or MUN are not required to complete a Planned absence form. However, students bear the responsibility to meet with their teachers, at least four school days prior to departure beforehand to clarify expectations for make-up work.
During the student-initiated discussion deadlines and/or assessment make-up days should be agreed upon. Students who have missed school due to a school-sponsored activity should not be expected to take a test or hand in an assignment in the first class back or first day back.
Failure to have this discussion may result in the student being held to the same expectations as the rest of the class
from Finalsite Academy News
Keep Your House Warm Using These Simple Tips
Can you feel the air getting chillier by the day? Autumn is just around the corner and soon enough it’s going to be a winter wonderland. Make your home feel comfy despite the cold weather by following these tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Position your furniture in the warm
How warm you feel in a room depends on where you are, even though air temperature is the same throughout. You will feel warmer if you position yourself closer to the inside of the house because the cold external walls are further away. So try and place your furniture next to an internal wall.
If your desk is up against an external wall so you can look out of the window your legs will tend to get cold, though you can reduce this effect by leaning a cardboard sheet against the wall. If the head of your bed is next to a cold external wall you will be prone to getting a stiff neck, though you can counter this somewhat by using a solid headboard. The best solution, of course, is a four-poster bed, but most bedrooms just aren’t big enough. Source: TheConversation
Clear outside walls by day, and reinforce them at night
During the day, you want as much sun as possible hitting your dwelling. The sun provides plenty of natural warmth to the walls. On the other hand, at night, you should lean things against your walls to add extra barriers between you and the cold. Source: Lifehack
Cover your windows
Stop the heat from escaping by investing in lined curtains that will help insulate your windows, trapping heat inside. If you already have curtains, you can simply add your own lining to the inside. For maximum effectiveness, make sure your curtains reach the floor and consider a pelmet to cover the space between the window and the curtain. Blinds and shutters will also work, especially if they sit close to the windows. Source: InsideOut
Want a cool energy-saving tip? Use the best window treatments that can help retain the warmth in your home longer. Find out more by calling us today!
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post Keep Your House Warm Using These Simple Tips appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
4 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Look Expensive
Content originally published and Shared from
Have you ever shelled out money to make your bathroom look more extravagant but it doesn’t end up looking the way you imagined? Check out these wonderful tips that will surely help your bathroom have a more expensive feel to it.
Image Source: Flickr
Indulge in classy containers
We’re not just talking about buying one of those bathroom accessory sets with the matching soap dispenser and toothbrush holder (although you should do that, too). We’re talking about rehoming all your drugstore toiletries throughout your bathrooms. Think: beautiful glass bottles or dispensers for your shampoo, body wash, and lotion. Source: Realtor
Add a place to perch
Nearly every high-end bathroom we’ve stepped into is equipped with seating of some sort, be it a simple garden stool, a tufted ottoman, or an ornately carved armchair. Not only does the accent look luxurious, it also feels grand—why do your pedicure on the toilet seat when you could have your very own throne? Source: MyDomaine
Adorn the walls – gallery style
A simply decorated bathroom can look very refined, and sometimes less really is more. However, just one feature can take a room from simple to chic – and hanging some beautiful art on the wall is a great way to do it.
Choose your piece carefully. A canvas might do well in a humid atmosphere, but whatever you display will need to be made from the appropriate materials, and don’t forget to ensure your bathroom is well ventilated. Source: Houzz
Brighten the room
Brilliant illumination, whether natural or artificial can add a great deal of sleek style to a simple bathroom. If you enjoy the classic look of a chandelier that can act as a statement piece in a normal bathroom, then you should consider that an ideal option for your home. Source: Homify
Get top-of-the-line bathroom fixtures to complete the lavish bathroom remodel you’re going for. Call us today for more details!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post 4 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Look Expensive appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
4 Ways to Avoid Getting Stretch Marks
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
No one likes getting stretch marks, but unfortunately, it’s difficult to avoid. Follow these great tips for avoiding stretch marks and also for treating them once you have them, and you can definitely help minimize the appearance of stretch marks soon enough. Control your weight One of the most helpful things you can do to […]
The post 4 Ways to Avoid Getting Stretch Marks appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
Monday, September 18, 2017
School Photos - how to order!
from Finalsite Academy News
Sep 19, Tuesday
The First Principal's List of the Year!
MS Homerooms – Please read and celebrate the Principal’s List! Just focus on your own grade. Students get a button if they are on the list!
Attention Drama/Design/Dance Team Members
Wednesday Field Trip Reminders
- Submit your pre-arranged absence form today
- Bring lunch and water for the trip
- Wear Booster Blue Shirt
- Leave class at 10:45 AM as the ISB bus will depart at 11:00 AM on Wednesday from the pool area
Drama Team
The workshop today (Tuesday) with visiting artist, Mark Hill, is at 12:30-5:50 PM at the THEATER
Bring a snack and water bottle
MS STUCO Elections
Thank you to all those who have held their elections. Please send Mr Fidler the names of the successful candidates by Thursday after mentoring.
Girl Badminton Team Players - Dulwich on Thursday
Please remember to go to the Swimming Pool at 3:30 sharp on Thursday.
Coach Iles
Jazz Band
Jazz Band begins this week. Come to room 1717 on Tuesday after school at 3:30. See Mr. Long for details.
Build Project
JOIN THE INCREDIBLE SUPER BUILD PROJECT! The purpose of the incredible super build project is to inspire the ISB community in building a super incredible thing. Swedish Video Game Computer Scientist and MIT Mechanical Engineer will help students design and create something awesome for our ISB community.
We’re calling all musicians, athletes, roboticists, tinkerers, and artists, bring your crazy super ideas to the information session on Tuesday, September 19th at 3:45PM in the MSHS Design Lab (3116). If you can’t attend the informational session, email
Found item
Found cap from G6 trip, please check at MS office.
from Finalsite Academy News
Sunday, September 17, 2017
School Photos - how to order!
Students will receive a photo-proof card this week. All photos come with a password (access code) and parents can go to and enter the password (access code) to order the photos.
Starting Monday, September 18, there will be a 2 week period where parents will not be charged for shipping. After 2 weeks, a shipping fee will apply.
from Finalsite Academy News
Sep 18, Monday
The First Principal's List of the Year!
MS Homerooms – Please read and celebrate the Principal’s List! Just focus on your own grade. Students get a button if they are on the list!
Book Orders
Book orders are finalized today! Please be sure that you and your parents have made your book selections by tonight! Orders received tomorrow will not be processed. Happy reading : )
Math Counts ASA
Math Counts ASA kids, please bring your laptops with you today! Students who did not sign up for the MathCounts ASA, but who would still like to join, you are welcome to join us. We meet on Monday afternoons in the FA space.
The Habitat for Humanity ASA is ON today! Come along to Mrs. Patty’s room today after school. See you then!
Jazz Band
Jazz Band begins this week. Come to room 1717 on Tuesday after school at 3:30. See Mr. Long for details.
Build Project
JOIN THE INCREDIBLE SUPER BUILD PROJECT! The purpose of the incredible super build project is to inspire the ISB community in building a super incredible thing. Swedish Video Game Computer Scientist and MIT Mechanical Engineer will help students design and create something awesome for our ISB community.
We’re calling all musicians, athletes, roboticists, tinkerers, and artists, bring your crazy super ideas to the information session on Tuesday, September 19th at 3:45PM in the MSHS Design Lab (3116). If you can’t attend the informational session, email
ISB Chess Club
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of middle school ages. We would like to announce the start of ISB Chess Club. Our first meeting will be after school in room 3407 on Sept. 18, and our goal is to form a competitive chess culture in ISB. We are open to all skill levels, so come in and play!
Note: Because of a glitch, 8th graders are unable to sign up in the activities office, but you can come directly to the first session and sign up there.
from Finalsite Academy News
Flex Time This Week
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
STUCO Assembly in the Theater
Study Hall except for selected Grade 9s who will have Mindfulness Mentoring with Cara, Gina and Sommer
No Flex |
Mentoring for Grade 10, 11, 12 Mindfulness Mentoring / Study Hall for selected Grade 9s
Mentoring - Digital Citizenship: Responsible Use Agreement
from Finalsite Academy News
Fifth Block This Week
Grade 12 IB
This Wednesday’s fifth block for grade 12s has been allocated to Econ HL. See your teacher for locations, expectations and times.
from Finalsite Academy News
Parent Coffees
HS Parent Coffee
Tuesday, Sep 25, 8:30am, MPR
ES Parent Coffee
Wednesday, Sep 26, 8:30, MPR
MS Parent Coffee
Thursday Sep 27, 8:30am, MPR
from Finalsite Academy News
Climate Survey Results - Parent Forum
8:30 AM - 10:00AM
Parents have the opportunity to meet our new Head of School, Mr. Patrick Hurworth; and hear the results of the recent Climate Survey.
from Finalsite Academy News
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #188 – September 16, 2017
from Jays Custom Creations
Friday, September 15, 2017
Learning about Mindfulness at ISB
from Finalsite Academy News
Thursday, September 14, 2017
10 Thoughts to Inspire Student Poetry
from Finalsite Academy News
International Day Kick-off meeting
Tuesday, September 19, 8:30 am - 9:00 am. ISB Staff lounge
If you would like to help organize this fun-filled, community event, please come along.
from Finalsite Academy News
Sep 15, Friday
Enrichments for today
Block 1 Day 1 Friday September 15 Period 1.1
Robotics join Classic Card Games@2123
Speech & Debate join Math Lab@3305
Softball join Boot Camp@ Dome
Jazz Band
MS Jazz Band will begin on Tuesday September 19th. If you play saxophone, trumpet, trombone, piano, drumset, bass guitar or electric guitar and are interested in jazz music please come down to room 1717 at 3:30 Tuesday, September 19th.
Build Project
JOIN THE INCREDIBLE SUPER BUILD PROJECT! The purpose of the incredible super build project is to inspire the ISB community in building a super incredible thing. Swedish Video Game Computer Scientist and MIT Mechanical Engineer will help students design and create something awesome for our ISB community.
We’re calling all musicians, athletes, roboticists, tinkerers, and artists, bring your crazy super ideas to the information session on Tuesday, September 19th at 3:45PM in the MSHS Design Lab (3116). If you can’t attend the informational session, email
One Yuan Concerts
The FPR One Yuan Live Concert Series is officially up and running. Linked are the mini-performance (90s) and the full interview (5m) of the brilliant Overcoats, a Brooklyn musical duo that connects powerful harmonies with subtle and vulnerable lyrics to produce amazing, original music.
ISB Book Club Fall Orders
Book orders should be done ONLINE by Friday, September 15th. From now on, the book orders and payments are online only. Please follow the order instructions at the back of the flyers.
ISB Chess Club
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of middle school ages. We would like to announce the start of ISB Chess Club. Our first meeting will be after school in room 3407 on Sept. 18, and our goal is to form a competitive chess culture in ISB. We are open to all skill levels, so come in and play!
Note: Because of a glitch, 8th graders are unable to sign up in the activities office, but you can come directly to the first session and sign up there.
Found item
Cash, pencil case, eaphone and Ipod nano, check at MS office
from Finalsite Academy News
from Finalsite Academy News
I Get Email #05: Building A Shop
from Jays Custom Creations
The Grapes of Wrath: Charity Readers Theatre
Saturday. September 16, 7:30 pm in the ISB Theater
Tickets (80RMB) available from
100% of ticket sales for the one-off performance are donated to charity.
NGO Beneficiary: Social Work Development Center
from Finalsite Academy News
Dental Health Talk by Arrail Dental
Caring for Teenagers Oral Health
Open to Parents
September 22 8:45 am - 10:30 am
from Finalsite Academy News
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Breaking Down Business Entity Types
One of the most important steps you’ll need to make when starting your business is reviewing business entity types and deciding which one you should choose for your company. The structure you pick will affect your business from legal and tax obligation standpoints. That’s why it pays to understand the various business entity types—and the [...]
The post Breaking Down Business Entity Types appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
Volunteers Needed!! Sign up now for International Day
from Finalsite Academy News
3 Tips for Cleaning High Windows
Window washing is a simple way to brighten up the look and feel of your house. However, high windows always seem just out of reach, making it more like a major undertaking than a simple clean. Check out these 3 tips for cleaning high windows.
Image Source: Flickr
Pre-Clean the Windows
- Clean stubborn stains. Outside windows are especially prone to stubborn stains because they are exposed to hard water runoff, minerals, bird droppings, and elements that can cake on dirt and grime.
- Remove stickers and decals. Whether you have children who love to decorate with stickers or applied decals to your windows to prevent birds from flying into them, removing sticky substances from windows can be difficult.
- Remove and clean the screens. For inside and outside windows, clean the screens every time you clean the windows, which should be twice a year. Remove the screens and vacuum them to remove dust and dirt.
- Vacuum or dust inside windows. Make sure you get all the windows, frames, and corners. This will prevent you from just spreading dirt around when you are cleaning. Source: Wikihow
Select the Right Window Cleaner
Among the bottles in the cleaner aisle, you’ll find glass cleaners promising streak-free results — but what they don’t tell you is that those results often come with a catch: a lot of elbow grease.
You don’t need to buy a special glass cleaner, although the best is a non-abrasive window cleaning solution — you probably already have a cleanser in your apartment strong yet gentle enough for the job. Soapy window cleaners — a few drops of liquid dish soap in a bucket of warm water, for example — will work on cutting through dirt and grease and will also work well with your indoor squeegee technique (and it’s also safe to use on tempered glass). When you use a soapy or sudsy detergent remember: The less you use, the better. Use too much and these products can cause a soapy residue to build up on your windows, causing streaks and dull, dingy glass. A one-to-one ratio of vinegar to water also makes glass sparkle, and can be used in place of a soapy cleanser (although it probably won’t smell as good). Source: HowStuffWorks
Wash the Right Way
For exterior windows, mix half white vinegar and half water as the cleaning solution in a large bucket. Water and dishwashing liquid will work equally well. Use just a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Any more than a few drops and the water will be too soapy. Fill a second bucket with just water for rinsing the sponge and squeegee.
Put a sponge in the cleaning solution and wash the windows with it. Wet a squeegee as a dry squeegee blade won’t have traction. Use only water, though, and not the cleaning solution.
Move the squeegee vertically down the window with a straight stroke, beginning at the right upper corner. Go back for the next stroke and do it the same way. Overlap the prior stroke just a bit. After you complete a stroke, use a second sponge or one of the cloths to wipe the squeegee’s rubber edge.
For cleaning inside windows, use a towel to catch any drips. Take a sponge or cloth to dry the sill if it gets wet. For interior windows, use a wet cloth and a non-ammonia cleaner to wipe the frames.
Remove the cleaner with a rise. Use a clean wet cloth. Dry the frames immediately. Water can harm wood. Clean the sponge and squeegee in the second bucket. Source: Improvenet
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Tips for Cleaning High Windows appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
Tips on Repairing Bathtub Leaks
Content originally published and Shared from
There are many ways that your bathtub may start leaking or having other issues. Continue reading to learn more about what you can do, including: locating the leak, repairing the faucet and repairing the grout and the tub.
Image Source: Flickr
Locate the Leak
First things first: You must locate the leak before you repair it. It’s relatively simple to determine whether or not your faucet or grout is leaking – just check to see if water is spilling out of either area. To test if the actual tub has a leak in it, wipe the outside until it is completely dry and line the area with newspaper. As you begin to fill the tub up, you’ll want to keep an eye out for areas of the newspaper that start getting wet.
To test the drain, completely fill the tub with water. When it’s filled, carefully listen for the sound of water seeping out. If you hear those sounds and see the water start to decrease, chances are the drain assembly isn’t fully sealed. Source: Rotorooter
Repair the Faucet
Faucets can be one of the easier items in the house to fix. Pressurized water is delivered to your home, and a faucet turns off by creating a watertight seal strong enough to counteract that pressure. A simple washer and seat assembly accomplishes this job, and if your faucet is dripping, one of these two items probably needs to be replaced.
You’ll first need to shut off the water and pull out the faucet. There should be a washer. If replacing the washer doesn’t fix the leak, then the problem is probably in the brass seat located behind the washer. You can fix it yourself if you have the proper seating wrench, but it would probably be wisest to call a professional plumber with all the expertise, tools and parts he needs to come fix it once and for all. The worst thing you can do in this situation is trying to make the leak stop by trying to force the faucet handle shut. The handle is not the problem. Source: HomeAdvisor
Repair the Grout and the Tub
Small leaks in the faucet grout and tub can be repaired using heavy duty sealant. To repair the grout, clean the leaking area and determine the extent of the problem. If the crack on the grout is minor, you may apply sealant on it to stop the leak. To do so, shut off the water supply to your tub and let the grout dry up completely before you attempt to apply sealant on it. After applying the sealant, wait for at least 3 hours before you turn the water supply back on to give the sealant time to dry up completely.
For small leaks on the body of your tub, you may use heavy duty waterproof sealant to stop the leak. To do this, clean the tub thoroughly, then mark the areas that need repairs. Apply an ample amount of sealant on the cracks and let it dry for at least 3 hours. Once the sealant is completely dry, use fine grip sand paper to remove the extra sealant and smooth out the surface of the tub. Source: DoItYourself
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post Tips on Repairing Bathtub Leaks appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Mandelbrot Mathematics Club
Are you are interested in developing your creative problem-solving skills through mathematics? If you are, please come to our first Mandelbrot Mathematics Club meeting this week on Thursday, September 14. We will meet in room 1108 at 3:30. See Mr. McRoberts for details.
from Finalsite Academy News
3 Ways to Get Rid of Scars
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Scars can be unattractive and may cause a person to become self-conscious. There are several ways you try to eliminate scars, such as: natural remedies, home care and professional care. Below are 3 ways to get rid of scars: Natural Remedies – Shea Butter and Coconut Oil: If you have experienced an injury, such as […]
The post 3 Ways to Get Rid of Scars appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
ELO Sign Up Now Open
All HS students need to sign up for their Experiential Learning Opportunity.
from Finalsite Academy News
Monday, September 11, 2017
Security Reminder
- Do not bring valuable items to school: large amounts of cash, luxury watch/jewelry, electronic devices
- Never leave valuables unattended, especially in the public areas such as cafeteria, library, lounge area.
- Always lock your personal belongings in a locker
- Place your name on your personal items such as cellphone, calculators, music instruments
- Please alert ISB security at ext. 1101 immediately of any suspicious activity
- For more ISB security information please click here
from Finalsite Academy News
Peer Tutoring Center
The Peer Tutoring Center is now open! Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday we'll be open from 3:30 - 4:30. On Wednesday, we'll be open from 2:30 - 3:30. Every day right after school, come to Room 2333!!! Drop-ins welcome. Stop by and see which subjects are tutored on which days. See you there!
from Finalsite Academy News
Sunday, September 10, 2017
HS Emergency Evacuation Instructions
1. Students and teachers vacate the building following the emergency exit plan on the door in each room.
2. Leave all bags behind.
3. Move in a QUIET and orderly manner as you exit the building. This is so that any verbal instructions can be heard.
4. HS assembles at the rear of school by grade level at the back fence between the baseball diamonds. Grade levels are marked on the wall.
5. Find your Mentor Teacher and line up QUIETLY behind the white line.
6. Your mentor will take attendance. Make sure s/he sees you.
7. Sit QUIETLY until further instruction.
It is important to move swiftly and safely and to be quiet until the evacuation is completed and you are dismissed. This is so that verbal instructions can be heard.
from Finalsite Academy News
Free Use of Dome's Tennis Courts in September Only
Kindly be informed that Activity Office has confirmed all parents are welcome to use Dome's tennis courts in the following school hours for FIRST Semester ONLY (as MS/HS PE will start tennis in second semester that they have to re-look at the schedule again). Court facility is free of charge for recreational use at first come first serve and private coaches are strictly prohibited. However, private lessons can be arranged by Fusion in request with additional fees. Wish everyone a healthy life and happy workout!!
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11:25-12:30
Wednesday 11:05-11:40
from Finalsite Academy News
Sep 11, Monday
Enrichment for Sep 11, Day 5
Block 3 12:30-1:05 Day 5 Monday September 11 |
Math lab join MS TV News@2120 |
Vintage Sewing join Gardening @OLE |
Boot Camp join Classic Card Games@2123 |
Yoga join Softball@Gym3 |
Block 3 1:10-1:55 Day 5 Monday September 11 |
Yearbook Photography join Genius Hour@2120 |
Independent Study Time join Lit. Lab@2400 |
Paper Quilling join Music in the Movies@2123 |
Chess join Cermics@1400 |
Crocheting join WAHM@3409 |
One Yuan Concerts
The FPR One Yuan Live Concert Series is officially up and running. Linked are the mini-performance (90s) and the full interview (5m) of the brilliant Overcoats, a Brooklyn musical duo that connects powerful harmonies with subtle and vulnerable lyrics to produce amazing, original music.
Book Club Order
ISB Book Club Fall Order starts on September 7th. Please complete your order by September 15th. Additional flyers are available in ES and MS libraries. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ES/MS librarians.
ISB Chess Club
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of middle school ages. We would like to announce the start of ISB Chess Club. Our first meeting will be after school in room 3407 on Sept. 18, and our goal is to form a competitive chess culture in ISB. We are open to all skill levels, so come in and play!
Note: Because of a glitch, 8th graders are unable to sign up in the activities office, but you can come directly to the first session and sign up there.
from Finalsite Academy News
Flex Time This Week
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Grade Level Assembly G9 in Gym 2 G10 in Upper Gallery G11 in MPR G12 in Theater |
Study Hall except for selected Grade 9s who will have Mindfulness Mentoring with Mrs. Tebo, Mrs. Cuthbert and Mrs. Blohm |
No Flex |
Mentoring for Grade 10, 11, 12 Mindfulness Mentoring / Study Hall for selected Grade 9s |
Mentoring - Digital Citizenship: Responsible Use Agreement |
from Finalsite Academy News
Fifth Block This Week
Grade 12 IB
This Wednesday's fifth block for grade 12s has been allocated to French HL. See your teacher for locations, expectations
from Finalsite Academy News
INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
Opportunity for individuals or teams to participate in the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
Intel China Education Programs and Chengdu International School have invited interested ISB students to participate in the INTEL ISEF regional competition to be held on January 26-27 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. This fair is the only regional qualifying fair for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) open to international students living in China. Winners from this fair will be given the opportunity to enter as finalists in ISEF which will be held on May 14-19 in Pittsburgh, PA in the United States of America.
1- The first step for interested individuals or 2-3 member teams is to explore the ISEF website:
2- Second, attend the first meeting on Thursday, September 14 @ 3:40pm in room 2331.
The website explains that the "Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), the world's largest international pre-college science competition, provides an annual forum for more than 1,500 high school students from about 70 countries, regions, and territories to showcase their independent research as they compete for over $3 million annually. The Intel ISEF is the premier global science competition for students in grades 9-12."
Please contact Mrs. Monroe (room 2332) if you are not able to attend the meeting and want more information.
from Finalsite Academy News
Angled Half Lap Three Tier Shelf
from Jays Custom Creations
Friday, September 8, 2017
Interesting Stuff From Around The Web #187 – September 9, 2017
from Jays Custom Creations
I Get Email #04: Safety Gear
from Jays Custom Creations
Author and Illustrator Matt Holm Visits ISB
from Finalsite Academy News
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Head of School Parent Coffees
All parents are welcome to attend Mr. Patrick Hurworth's first Head of School Parent Coffee.
from Finalsite Academy News
Perception Audit Parent Survey
ISB and IMPACT Marketing International's Perception Audit leverages data from the Climate Survey to provide deeper insights into perception gaps and consistencies among various stakeholder groups. The Perception Audit continues this fall, with a survey, followed by a selection of individual interviews.
Your participation in this short, anonymous, online survey will allow your voice to be heard as we continue to implement our strategic plan, and will help the school better communicate about what is most important to you as parents of ISB students. You can expect the survey to take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until Friday, September 15, 2017.
Click here to take the survey in English, and here to take the survey in Chinese.
from Finalsite Academy News
Mentoring today
Flex time today is dedicated to ELO. Please meet in your normal mentoring room and use the time to read the guidebook and then vote.
from Finalsite Academy News
Sep 8, Friday
One Yuan Concerts
The FPR One Yuan Live Concert Series is officially up and running. Linked are the mini-performance (90s) and the full interview (5m) of the brilliant Overcoats, a Brooklyn musical duo that connects powerful harmonies with subtle and vulnerable lyrics to produce amazing, original music.
ISB Chess Club
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of middle school ages. We would like to announce the start of ISB Chess Club. Our first meeting will be after school in room 3407 on Sept. 18, and our goal is to form a competitive chess culture in ISB. We are open to all skill levels, so come in and play!
Note: Because of a glitch, 8th graders are unable to sign up in the activities office, but you can come directly to the first session and sign up there.
from Finalsite Academy News
ELO Information
from Finalsite Academy News
ISB Board of Trustees Vacancy
Click here for information on the process and parent information session.
Deadline for nominations: Thursday, September 14, 12:00 pm
from Finalsite Academy News
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
3 Great Solutions for Common Window Cleaning Problems
Keeping the windows clean is a chore most homeowners usually neglect. Here you’ll find answers to the most irritating window problems you might already be experiencing.
Image Source: Flickr
When mildew grows on your windows
Remove the window and clean or replace the frame and fix the leaks. If mold has gotten into the window frame, you will have to have the window removed and the frame cleaned or replaced. Remove all wet insulation or framing and thoroughly dry any framing that’s left in place. Then, seal up the leaks around the window and frame to prevent the problem from reoccurring. Source: Modernize
If your window always streaks after cleaning
Even if you do exactly the right things, you can still end up with a streak or three. In that case, the simplest solution is to finish the job with a quick buff. A chamois or a microfiber cloth is best, although a regular rag will do. Keep it dry, and just buff over the glass when you finish cleaning it. You’ll find those streaks just disappear. As always, keeping up with the job makes it a whole lot easier. The less dirt and grime your windows accumulate, the less time you’ll spend cleaning them — a quick vinegar spritz, newspaper swipe and you’re on your way. Source: Home.HowStuffWorks
If your windows get dirty unusually fast
Change the filter in your heating and cooling system. Modern airtight homes trap more dust, pollen, dander, and other particles inside than ever before. While furnace and air conditioner filters extend the life of your appliances, they also help trap that dirt. Filters should be changed every month or two, or anytime you can’t see through the filter when you hold it up to a light. Cleaning your air conditioning filter regularly is also an inexpensive way to keep your house cooler. Source: RD
Learn more about windows and window treatments by calling us today!
Universal Blinds
601 – 1550 W. 10th Ave
Vancouver, V6J 1Z9
Phone: (604) 559-1988
The post 3 Great Solutions for Common Window Cleaning Problems appeared first on Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters.
from Universal Blinds, Shades & Shutters
4 Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid
Content originally published and Shared from
The amount of money you spend in remodeling should not be put to waste. Make sure you get the best bang for your buck by not making the following mistakes:
Image Source: Flickr
Forgetting about ventilation
Be sure to work efficient fan and exhaust systems into your bathroom plan. “This is key to a successful renovation because if the room is not properly ventilated it creates an ideal environment for mildew and mold,” says Binns. Source: HGTV
Lack of balance
You must be thoughtful in choosing a pleasing combination of tile colors, patterns, and shapes along with your plumbing choices. If you’re timid at all about this process, use bold choices sparingly, go slow, and think balance. When it comes to choosing sinks, toilets, tubs, and faucets, don’t shy away from the more interesting selections, but counteract their intense nature with more-calming pieces. Source: MyDomaine
Skimping on storage
Even if you’ve purged your toiletries and towels in a bid for a streamlined ‘new you’, storage should still be a priority in your bathroom. You’re sure to acquire more lotions and potions over time, particularly if you have a growing family.
A mix of open and closed storage works wonders, as this elegant space demonstrates. You can shut away ugly bathroom necessities and leave pretty toiletries and fluffy, fresh towels on display for all to admire. Source: Houzz
Inadequate lighting
That blemish on your face is actually a toast crumb. The reason you’re confused is that the lighting in your bathroom is so terrible you can’t tell the difference between a chocolate dribble and a freckle. If you think muted lighting will make your yellowing teeth or receding hairline less noticeable (to you anyway), get a grip on yourself.
Poor lighting conditions in a bathroom can be dangerous. Don’t take an unexpected tumble because you prefer candlelight to the harsh light of a fluorescent fixture. Install bathroom-rated lights over your sink and near your tub or shower. It’ll save your guests the inconvenience of having to carry a flashlight around with them. Source: Home.HowStuffWorks
We can help you pick the best fixtures to suit your new bathroom. Call us today!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post 4 Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal
This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
Isn’t it a dream come true if you don’t have to spend a lot of time shaving unwanted hair? Laser hair removal is the answer to this problem. Here are some things to do to prepare for the procedure: Avoid plucking, waxing and electrolysis These hair removal methods can disturb the hair follicle and interfere […]
The post How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.
from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic
ES Parenting Workshop Sign-up
Eight-week STEP Parenting Course for ES parents begins Wednesday, September 13, 2017
8:30am - 10:00am every Wednesdays for 8 weeks
Capacity: 22 parents only
Sign up: STEP workshop registration
Parents must be able to commit to eight weeks.
from Finalsite Academy News
The Fail Proof Process for Incorporating in California
Have you considered incorporating in California but you're just not sure where to begin? As a California business owner, I’m excited to help guide other entrepreneurs get their companies up and running in this fine state. In this post, I’m going to walk you through the process of forming a corporation in California. But first, [...]
The post The Fail Proof Process for Incorporating in California appeared first on Launch - the official blog of
from Launch – the official blog of
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Attendance reminders
If you arrive at school later than 8:15 am, you are expected to report to the High School Office to record your arrival and to give an explanation. Please ensure that a parent also contacts the HS office as soon as possible. Mrs. Huang will give you a late pass to give the teacher of your class.
If you are leaving campus during the school day you are also expected to sign out in the HS office. This applies to Grades 9-12, irrespective of having senior privilege.
It is important to us to know if you are on or off campus in the case of an emergency.
from Finalsite Academy News
Monday, September 4, 2017
Operation Wallacea (OpWall) Trip
Attention ALL future OpWall participants,
Have you ever wondered how you can have so much fun when school finishes in June and do something so interesting that it's unbelievable? Well, you don't have to wait or wonder any longer for your chance to experience that amazement. Come and find out more information about Operation Wallacea (OpWall) trip for this year to Amazon & Galapagos Islands for HS students grades 10 to 12 (turning 16 years old by June 2018) to participate in!! Bring your parents as well, so they can ask questions and find out more about the program and the general questions surrounding the trip.
There will be a mandatory introductory for students and parents meeting on Tuesday the 12th of September @ 6pm in room 1109. If you want to find out more about the trip, but are unable to attend next Tuesday please contact Mr. Smyth – for more information. See you all there!!
from Finalsite Academy News
Sep 5, Tuesday
Store your instrument in PA Locker
Instrumental students please make sure you get a Performing Arts Locker. You should not be keeping your instrument in your regular locker, or classrooms. To eliminate clutter and the chances of loss, please get a Performing Arts locker to store your instrument. There have already been many instruments found by security in different places in the building. Please get a Performing Arts locker to keep your instrument safe and out of the way. Come to room 1721 in the PA hallway for locker rental.
Shirts for MS
Next week, PTA Booster Club will hand out shirts to all MS students during lunch time. The shirts are to promote the school spirit and can be used for school related activities or trips. Don't forget to say THANK YOU!
from Finalsite Academy News
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Sep 4, Monday
Store your instrument in PA Locker
Instrumental students please make sure you get a Performing Arts Locker. You should not be keeping your instrument in your regular locker, or classrooms. To eliminate clutter and the chances of loss, please get a Performing Arts locker to store your instrument. There have already been many instruments found by security in different places in the building. Please get a Performing Arts locker to keep your instrument safe and out of the way. Come to room 1721 in the PA hallway for locker rental.
Shirts for MS
Next week, PTA Booster Club will hand out shirts to all MS students during lunch time. The shirts are to promote the school spirit and can be used for school related activities or trips. Don't forget to say THANK YOU!
from Finalsite Academy News
Flex Time This Week
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
HS Assembly in the Theater |
Study Hall except for selected Grade 9s who will have Mindfulness Mentoring with Mrs. Tebo, Mrs. Cuthbert and Mrs. Blohm |
No Flex |
Mentoring for Grade 10, 11, 12 Mindfulness Mentoring / Study Hall for selected Grade 9s |
Digital Citizenship – Responsible Use Agreement |
from Finalsite Academy News