Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mar 19, Mon, Day 4

Voting for MS/HS Chairs 

The Middle and High Schools are replacing most of the classroom chairs over the summer.  Four sample chairs will be located in the MS/HS cafeteria on Monday and Tuesday this week.  We encourage all students to sit in the chairs and choose a favorite based on COMFORT, not color.  On Wednesday you will all be given an opportunity to vote for the most COMFORTABLE chair.

Grades 8s – Thursday Lunchtime Q&A about Interdisciplinary Courses for Grade 9

Do you have questions about the two new interdisciplinary courses for Grade 9? Ms. Giroux will be available Thursday at lunch in the cafeteria to answer questions about the two new courses (People, Places, and Publications and Science and Engineering). Come and find her at the booths near the Deli to ask any questions you might have. 


Grade 8 Idol

Grade 8 Idol is coming! Are you an 8th grader with a special talent or a love of the stage? If you would like to perform or MC in this year’s show, it’s time to start thinking about your audition! Auditions will be held on Friday, April 20th after school. Please see Mrs. Williams or Mrs. Long to sign up for an audition time and to pick up an audition information packet. Need more information before you decide to sign up? Check out the Grade 8 Idol bulletin board in the Grade 8 hallway or talk to our student producer, Isabel Su.



Middle School United, March 26 and 27 – MS Students, your parents will start signing up for your Student-Led Conference times this week (Tuesday if you have ISB siblings and Friday if you do not).  You can help your parents understand that they only need to sign up for one appointment, and that is the time they want to meet with YOU!  These conference will take place in Gym 2, the Upper Gallery, or Futures Academy.  Afterward, your parents can OPTIONALLY drop in to chat with any teacher for 5 minutes or less if they have a question.  Teachers will be located in the areas around Gym 2, Upper Gallery, and FA.

Additionally, you and your parents are strongly encouraged to join at least one special “Learning Opportunity.”  Your teachers have prepared a whole menu of cool activities, presentations, and discussions for you to join.  Please help your parents understand about these opportunities and schedule your Student-Led Conference at a time that allows you to attend the one (or more!) session you think sounds the most interesting.  Here is the program of Learning Opportunities.


Found items

A watch and a cellphone. Please check at MS office.

from Finalsite Academy News

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